20 June, 2008

Shun political violence, pray for peace

By Golden Maunganidze

She is not joking, this child is praying for our country!
With only a week away from June 27, it is every Zimbabwean's role to make sure that peace and tranquility prevails during the elections. it is high time that everyone discover that violence does not pay. Elections come and go.

No one should be persecuted for his or her own party, political party is like a religion and therefore anyone is free to choose the leadership of own self.

Let me take this time to challenge everyone to pray for our country so that we manage to hold peaceful elections. Many people around the globe have talked about Zimbabwe and thousands have fled from the country to so called greener pastures but we still have a chance to shape our destiny. So many have talked about the Kenya style, Is it that we want?

Everyone has a role to play. If you were crying without anyone hearing, this is the time to make a cry which will rescue a sinking economy, hyperinflation, stink coruption and high levels of nepotism that have been haunting our country for a long time now!